Thursday, 24 September 2015

Barry Sendel re-introduced The Brook Life-Saving Airway Invention

Barry Sendel reintroduced Brook Life-Saving Airway (BLA)
 In 1988 Barry Sendel re-introduced the Brook Life-Saving Airway (BLA), an invention for the medical industry and  was a medical device designed to eliminate cross contamination when giving “CPR”. During that time, herpes and aids virus was becoming an epidemic and therefore, in a life threatening situation, anyone giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation could be contaminated by the direct contact. Barry re-introduced the BLA device which quickly became world renowned with police, fire-fighters, EMS, hospitals, life-guards and even swimming pool owners.

BLA was a special design with a check valve that allows the person who is giving CPR to insert the BLA into the victim’s mouth illuminating direct contact. The person giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is able to blow air to the victim’s lungs while doing compressions on the victim’s chest. If the victim/patient vomits the BLA’s unique design allows the secretion to flow through a check valve illuminating the rescuer from any cross-contamination. BLA was light-weight, small to carry and disposable as it retailed for a price less than $15.00

Brook Life-Saving Airway (BLA)

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